
What is a bridal shower and bachelorette party

bridal shower and bachelorette party

There are only a few days left before the solemn event of your life. Everything is already carefully thought out, planned. Aren’t you forgetting anything? It remains only to spend your reckless days and parties with girlfriends, which will no longer be the same as before. It’s time to have a bachelorette party!

What is a bridal shower and bachelorette party, and who needs one?

The tradition of getting the bridesmaids and the homecoming queen herself together has its origins in the advent of the bachelor party. Why is it that only guys can have fun on the last day of his unmarried life? Let us, too, relax to the fullest before we enter into a legal relationship.

However, you should think about how you want to spend the evening. After all, it is the bride who decides to have a bachelorette party to relax, whisper with her friends and have fun from the heart before such a responsible event like a wedding. Also, the bachelorette party is a place where the bridesmaids try all possible ways to show their joy about the wedding. They are also distracted from the upcoming wedding hassle, as well as from the attention of male guests at the future celebration. And naturally, the bachelorette party is needed by the groom as a means of getting rid of unnecessary inquiries about his bachelor party. Thus, the young people spend this last night at their own discretion, without consulting with each other.

bridal shower and bachelorette party

Bachelorette party organization

The bachelorette party is held by the best friend of the bride, together with other girls who will also be at the wedding. In this way, they give the bride a great evening without the extra hassle and hassle of organizing. As a rule, the costs are shared by all the participants, so such a gift becomes not too burdensome.

Invited persons, or a party for the select few

Of course, only persons of the female sex are invited to the bachelorette party, in order to eliminate unnecessary talk about the behavior of the bride and unnecessary excitement of the groom. That is why only the best and proven ladies who want to celebrate with the bride a new stage in her life gather here. Since the main purpose of such an event is general fun and all sorts of entertainment, then among the invitees should necessarily be fun and creative bridesmaids. It is not worth inviting girls from the groom’s side to the bachelorette party, otherwise you risk exposing your innocent antics at the party.

As for the timing of the bachelorette party, you don’t have to have it before the actual wedding. In case the event truly succeeds, the next morning could be a bit of a problem for you. Minor appearance issues won’t beautify you at your wedding reception, and it will take quite a bit of time to fix them. It’s best to have your bachelorette party a few days before the wedding so that you can be completely confident in your condition before the altar.

The perfect bachelorette party – what is it like?

The most valuable thing in this event is to match the theme of the celebration to the mood of the protagonist. If the bride is more pleasant family home affairs, she does not like noisy parties, then the girlfriends can try to organize a hen party in the style of retro. A trip to the bath will also be relevant for such a girl. You can order a massage, special masks and other procedures for the soul and body.

The bride adores sweets or melts from delicious gourmet dishes? In this case, you can try to order many tasting portions of different foods from the best chefs in the city. A great option for girls who like to cook for themselves will be to invite the culinary master himself.

As for active girls who like to get extreme emotions, they can arrange an unusual bachelorette party. A hot air balloon flight, a parachute jump, diving with sharks and many other options will please the adventurous lover. The main thing is to observe safety precautions and invite experienced instructors.

In any case, no matter what option you choose, if possible, try not only to remember this event, but also capture the memory in the form of photos or video. In a few years, you will be able to merrily remember this event together with its direct participants.