Using photos of the newlyweds to decorate the wedding hall is not exactly a new idea, but so popular now. The more so that its realization will require only pictures of the young (sometimes their parents and grandparents) and a little imagination. That’s why the wedding portal has collected for you the most interesting ideas on how you can diversify all kinds of wedding elements with the help of ordinary photos. Explore and choose what you like!
Photo Wall
An original idea is to create a photo wall. There can be both your personal photos, joint photos with the groom, and funny photos with the guests invited to the wedding. All you need to do is to choose the necessary frames in advance, print and glue them to a large panel sized 2 * 2 meters (you can, of course, larger). An unusual photo panel is fixed at the entrance to the banquet hall. While waiting for the newlyweds, the guests will have something to do: they will look at the pictures with curiosity. And maybe even find themselves there! In addition, against the background of this unusual wall, the newlyweds can be photographed with the guests. Get creative and stylish shots! If you do not have time to implement the idea of a photo wall, you can just randomly hang on the walls of the hall all sorts of photos: yours, your parents, grandparents, and invited guests. Or you can decorate the wall with an oversized romantic photo of you!
Invitations with photos of the newlyweds
There are many options: photos of the newlyweds in beautiful frames with beads and ribbons, a photo collage, a photo calendar, an invitation as a movie cover with the young people in the lead roles, etc.
Garland of photos
The simplest, but such a fun way to decorate a wedding with photos is to make garlands of photos attached with clothespins on a braid or ribbon. These creative garlands can be used both for decorating the banquet hall and for decorating the bride’s home, as well as for the redemption.
Photo as guest cards and table numbers
An original idea that will delight your guests is to use their photos as guest seating cards at the wedding. These can be real photos as well as printed ones. On the back of the photos, you can write who the person is to you, what they mean to you, etc. Arrange them in holders on the tables and you’re all set. Believe me, the guests will be very pleased to read about themselves good words written by you from the heart. You’ll create an incredibly warm and friendly atmosphere – and that’s half the success of your wedding reception!
Photos of the newlyweds can be used to decorate table number cards. This can be a photo of you and the groom holding a sign with the table number.
The wish book with a photo of the newlyweds
Of course, what a book of wishes is without your romantic photo. It can be both on the cover and on the spread. And you can even order semi-transparent printing, so that each page in the book of wishes looks through your happy image!

Photography as a decoration for the cake
Innovative technologies in the wedding industry allow making edible pictures even on cakes or entire sweet sculptures – such realistic copies of the newlyweds!
Gifts for the guests with your photos
Mugs, t-shirts, calendars, or even pillows… There are plenty of options! A great solution for these photo souvenirs could be a wedding chocolate with your picture on it.
The wedding portal is sure that by choosing an unusual wedding decoration with photos, you will turn your celebration into an unforgettable holiday filled with romance and love. Your guests will surely appreciate this decoration!