When planning a wedding, newlyweds try to take into account all the nuances in order to make the celebration a success. This especially concerns the decoration of the room in which the celebration will be held, because the overall impression of the holiday on the occasion of the marriage ceremony in the guests will be formed and on its appearance. The newlyweds do not neglect the ceiling, which is decorated on the basis of the stylistics of the celebration, financial possibilities and taste of the newlyweds.
What must be taken into consideration when decorating the ceiling for the wedding
To decorate the ceiling of the wedding venue so that it is a stylish addition to the whole festive picture, you need to consider:
- The size of the venue.
- The height of the ceiling.
- The possibility of fixing.
- The style of the event.
Often the owners of banquet halls and restaurants allow to decorate their rooms only those decorative elements that are easy to remove, so the newlyweds will likely have to settle for uncomplicated decor. Also, when decorating the ceiling space should take into account the style of the wedding: for example, if the celebration will be held in the style of retro, you should not decorate the room in the style of the Russian village. See in the video how ordinary artificial flowers on the ceiling can transform a wedding hall:
Wedding ceiling decorating options
Decorating the wedding hall can be a stylish accent or make the celebration bland if the young people overdo the details. In decorating the ceiling, you need to choose elements that match each other in texture, color and style. If several small details are used, one or two large accents should be added. Let the decorations only quote the overall style of the wedding, not overwhelm it. We offer several easy, festive and airy options for wedding ceiling decorations to choose from.
Decorating the ceiling with ribbons
If you decorate the ceiling with ordinary satin ribbons – it will look stylish and incredibly beautiful, and most importantly – the decor will cost the newlyweds inexpensively. Ribbons can easily form a canopy or leave them hanging freely from the ceiling, pick up in the same color scheme or hang them by the color of the rainbow. Any of the above options will transform the wedding venue, making it bright and festive.
Paper lanterns
Increasingly, newlyweds are decorating weddings with paper lanterns. Not only the ceiling is decorated with these fashionable decorations – they decorate wedding arches, chairs, tables, or make glowing garlands. Paper lanterns are easy to make by hand in different colors and sizes. Look original at the wedding round elements, two or three colors, matching the overall gamut of the celebration. Paper lanterns look great on their own, but if they are supplemented with ribbons, balloons or fresh flowers, the room will look even more festive.

Draping the ceiling with fabrics
Fabrics have long and successfully been used in interior decoration. The ceiling for weddings is often decorated with fabrics different in color, pattern, texture and ability to transmit light. As a rule, it is draped with dense or transparent fabric, starting from the center and ending closer to the edge. And with the help of hanging canvases the space of the room is visually divided into several zones, separating the banquet table from the dance hall.
Decorating the ceiling with flowers
Live and artificial flowers of different sizes can be used for decorating the hall, in which the banquet on the occasion of the wedding will take place. They are chosen in accordance with the design of the bride’s bouquet, with the style of her dress or in harmony with each other and with the palette of the wedding. Floral garlands made of artificial flowers or live buds beautifully attached to chandeliers are often used in the ceiling decor.
Paper pompoms and garlands
There are many options for using paper pompoms around the top of the room. For example, hang them at different heights or use options. different in size and color. Original and unusual looks garland of paper pompoms suspended on a thread. Multicolored pompoms will be an excellent accessory for wedding photos, a bright element of table surfaces, chairs and walls of the banquet hall.
The most popular decoration for a wedding hall are helium-filled balloons that aim upward. Single balloons floating above the heads of those present look very effective, and if they are tied and placed in the center, you get a beautiful cloud. A great idea for a wedding is an air garland created from multicolored balloons, which are strung together at a symmetrical distance from each other.
Decorative stickers
Vinyl stickers are a stylish and relevant detail for decorating the banquet hall. They allow you to make your wedding bright and memorable. There are many original and unusual decorative stickers on sale, capable of turning any interior into a work of art. The classic of wedding fashion are luminous stickers, which add romance and fairy-tale magic to the room.

Rules of ceiling decor for weddings
The secret of transforming an ordinary hall into a beautiful festive space lies in the skill:
- the right combination of colors;
- to choose decorations taking into account the form of the ceiling;
- organizing space with the newlyweds’ wishes in mind.
It is impossible to decorate the upper part of the room without taking into account the drapery on the walls, the arch behind the backs of the newlyweds and other elements of the wedding reception. If balloons are taken as the basis, they should dominate in the whole decoration of the banquet hall. If paper garlands or floral arrangements are chosen, they should be placed throughout the room. Monodecor now is not particularly relevant – in decorating the premises are increasingly using two or three materials: balloons and flowers, fabric, ribbons and drapery.
In the course can go even the most unexpected elements, such as rattles, giving a direct hint to the newlyweds. For the wedding venue to be happy, the newlyweds need to know exactly what they want to achieve. For example, if there is a nautical themed wedding, this choice dictates not only certain decor materials, but also color. Therefore, before choosing elements for decorating the hall, the newlyweds should decide on the main color scheme of the wedding.